Examine. Acknowledge. Change

Examine. Acknowledge. Change. You will be hearing these words a lot over the remainder of 2017 and through 2018 when it comes to how we operate at Finley.

Finley’s leadership met in Minneapolis the last week of July to discuss upcoming initiatives and issues that Finley will be facing.  Initiatives and issues that we need to examine, acknowledge and change.

Our leadership team will be participating in the same professional development program this year called “Find the Lost Dollars”.  This program will help us to take a realistic look at all aspects of our operations in order to improve our company, make our lives easier and positively impact Finley’s profitability.

Healthcare cost continues to be our biggest expense as a company outside of payroll. Our options are limited. We don’t take lightly the need to have health insurance options for our employees, nor the impact the costs have to the company. Our HR committee and department are working diligently to come up with options that are sustainable for both you and our company.

Our business development team has been actively engaged bringing in new work and clients.  In this newsletter there are links to their progress reports and work that they have brought in. 

Project Planning will be implemented in Atlas by the end of the year which will enable us to keep track of resources and monitor project profitability more closely than ever before.  Improved methods of using Atlas will also be introduced and trained. 

Examine. Acknowledge. Change. Your managers will be having business unit meetings with you to discuss all of these items addressed and to answer any questions that you may have. 

Times are changing and we have to as well.  All of us have a direct impact on Finley’s profitability.  We will not be successful as a company if we don’t examine, acknowledge and change together.  If you have ideas or questions, please tell your leadership.  We are all in this together, we are OneFinley.